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Pa. Firefighters Rescue Dog from 40-Foot Fall Off Cliff

Becky Metrick

Jan. 15--CHAMBERSBURG -- When Caesar wriggled out of his leash to avoid going to the vet, he didn't realize he would soon be in a lot more trouble and needing a vet even more.

Franklin Fire Company was called to an animal rescue at Chambersburg Animal Hospital on Lincoln Way East at around 1:32 p.m. Wednesday, for a dog that had fallen off a cliff near the vet, according to Deputy Chief David Olson.

Olson said Caesar did not like car rides, and was being taken to the vet for the first time. Caesar got free of his leash the second he got out of the car, and ran directly to the fence around a nearby body of water on Quarry Road.

Caesar's owner tried to get the dog out of the fence, but instead Caesar pulled forward and tumbled into the water, about 40 feet down. Olson said Caesar swam about 200 yards before getting wedged into some rocks.

Olson said the moment firefighters arrived, they knew they would need more help, so Fayetteville Fire Company and New Franklin Fire Company were called to assist on the technical rescue. One man wearing a dry suit was lowered by a rope system to the dog, while at least six other men worked on lowering the rope pulling him back. Olson said an ambulance also was on standby.

"We had to move the dog through very rough terrain to get the dog out," Olson said. The rescue took around 45 minutes, with everyone out of the water by 2:27 p.m.

"They came out and were a big help. These types of calls, it's teamwork," Olson said. "It takes a lot of guys."

Olson said the dog was as cooperative as they would expect, and only acted out at the very end when he bit a firefighter. Olson said they were lucky he didn't try to bite the firefighter who was retrieving him from the water.

Caesar was taken to Chambersburg Animal Hospital for treatment after the rescue.

Olson said the rescue went smoothly, despite not knowing exactly what they were getting into after receiving the call.

"The crews showed up and everybody was able to fall into the place," Olson said.

Staff writer Becky Metrick can be reached at (717) 262-4762

Copyright 2015 - Public Opinion, Chambersburg, Pa.


